
교수님 소개

김익균 겸직교수

일본 쭈쿠바대학 생명환경대학 (이학사)
일본 쭈쿠바대학 생명환경대학 (이학석사)
일본 쭈쿠바대학 생명환경대학 (박사)
JSPS외국인 특별연구원 (2004.9-2006.3)
한국생명공학연구원 선임연구원 (2006.3-2011.2)


Implication of mouse Vps26b-Vps29-Vps35 retromer complex in sortilin travvicking. BBRC, 167-171, 2010
Extracellular domain of V-set and immunoglobulin domain containing 1 (VSIG1) interacts with sertoli cell membrane protein, while its PDZ-binding motif forms a complex wiht ZO-1. Mol. Cells. 443-448, 2010
Alu-Derived Old world monkeys exonization event and experimental validation of the LEPR gene. Mol. Cells, 1-10, 2010
Shiga toxin A subunit mutant of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 releases outer membrane vesicles containing the B-pentameric complex. FEMS immunol. Med. Microbiol. 412-420, 2010
Multi- immunogenic outer membrane vesicles derived from an MsbB-deficient Salmonella enteric serovar hyphimurium untant. JMB. 1271-1279, 2009
Structural modifications of outer membrane vesicles to refine them as vaccine delivery vehicles. BBA. 2150-2159, 2009
Processing and subcellular localization of ADAM2 in the Macaca fascidularis testis and sperm. ARS. 155-159, 2010
Functional roles of mouse sperm hyaluronidases, Hyal5 and Spam1, in fertilization. BOR, 939-947, 2009
Importance of the Porcine ADAM3 disintegrin domain in sperm-egg interaction. JRD. 55, 156-162. 2009
Sperm penetration through cumulus mass and zona pullucida. IJDB, 52, 677-682, 2008
Identification of novel retromer complexes in the mouse testis. BBRC, 375, 16-21, 2008
Molecular cloning of Vps26a, Vps26b, Vps29 and Vps35 and expression analysis of retromer complex in micro pig. RDB 32, 60-65, 2008
Identification of a novel hyaluronidase, Hyal5, involved in penetration of mouse sperm through cumulus mass. PNAS, 102 18028-18033, 2005
Mouse lacking ADAM1b/ADAM2 fertilin can fuse wiht the egg plasma membrane and effect fertilization JBC 281, 5634-5639, 2006
Possible function of the ADAM1a/ADAM1b fertilin complex in the appearance of ADAM3 on teh sperm surface. JBC 279, 34957-34962, 2004
Synthesis, processing, and subcellular localization of mouse ADAM3 during spermatogenesis and epididymal sperm transport. JRD 50 571-578, 2004
Differential localization of ADAM1a and ADAM1b in the endoplasimc reticulum of testicular germ cells and on the surface of epididymal sperm. BBRC 304, 313-319, 2003
The ADAM1a and ADAM1b genes, instead of the ADAM1 (fertilin alpha) gene, are localized on mouse chromosome 5. Gene 291, 67-76, 2002